routine ===

Documentation for routine === assembled from the following types:

class ComplexStr

From ComplexStr

(ComplexStr) infix ===

multi sub infix:<===>(ComplexStr:D $aComplexStr:D $b)

ComplexStr Value identity operator. Returns True if the Complex values of $a and $b are identical and their Str values are also identical. Returns False otherwise.

role Enumeration

From Enumeration

(Enumeration) method ===

Defined as

multi infix:<===> (Enumeration:D \aEnumeration:D \b)

Equality of Enumeration symbols:

say Norse-gods.pick() === Freija for ^3# OUTPUT: «False␤False␤True␤» 

class IntStr

From IntStr

(IntStr) infix ===

multi sub infix:<===>(IntStr:D $aIntStr:D $b)

IntStr Value identity operator. Returns True if the Int values of $a and $b are identical and their Str values are also identical. Returns False otherwise.

class RatStr

From RatStr

(RatStr) infix ===

multi sub infix:<===>(RatStr:D $aRatStr:D $b)

RatStr Value identity operator. Returns True if the Rat values of $a and $b are identical and their Str values are also identical. Returns False otherwise.

class NumStr

From NumStr

(NumStr) infix ===

multi sub infix:<===>(NumStr:D $aNumStr:D $b)

NumStr Value identity operator. Returns True if the Num values of $a and $b are identical and their Str values are also identical. Returns False otherwise.