routine fc

Documentation for routine fc assembled from the following types:

class Str

From Str

(Str) routine fc

multi sub    fc(Str:D  --> Str:D)
multi method fc(Str:D: --> Str:D)

Does a Unicode "fold case" operation suitable for doing caseless string comparisons. (In general, the returned string is unlikely to be useful for any purpose other than comparison.)

class Cool

From Cool

(Cool) routine fc

Defined as:

sub fc(Str(Cool))
method fc()

Coerces the invocant (or in sub form, its argument) to Str, and returns the result a Unicode "case fold" operation suitable for doing caseless string comparisons. (In general, the returned string is unlikely to be useful for any purpose other than comparison.)

say "groß".fc;       # OUTPUT: «gross␤»

class Allomorph

From Allomorph

(Allomorph) method fc

method fc(Allomorph:D:)

Calls Str.fc on the invocant's Str value.