Raku composite Types

class Array Sequence of itemized values
role Associative Object that supports looking up values by key
class Bag Immutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
class BagHash Mutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
role Baggy Collection of distinct weighted objects
role Blob Immutable buffer for binary data ('Binary Large OBject')
role Buf Mutable buffer for binary data
class Capture Argument list suitable for passing to a Signature
role Enumeration Working with the role behind the enum type
class Hash Mapping from strings to itemized values
role Iterable Interface for container objects that can be iterated over
role Iterator Generic API for producing a sequence of values
class List Sequence of values
class Map Immutable mapping from strings to values
class Mix Immutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
class MixHash Mutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
role Mixy Collection of distinct objects with Real weights
class NFC Codepoint string in Normal Form C (composed)
class NFD Codepoint string in Normal Form D (decomposed)
class NFKC Codepoint string in Normal Form KC (compatibility composed)
class NFKD Codepoint string in Normal Form KD (compatibility decomposed)
class Pair Key/value pair
role Positional Object that supports looking up values by index
role PositionalBindFailover Failover for binding to a Positional
class PseudoStash Stash type for pseudo-packages
role QuantHash Object hashes with a limitation on the type of values
class Range Interval of ordered values
class Seq An iterable, potentially lazy sequence of values
role Sequence Common methods of sequences
class Set Immutable collection of distinct objects
class SetHash Mutable collection of distinct objects
role Setty Collection of distinct objects
class Slip A kind of List that automatically flattens into an outer container
class Stash Table for "our"-scoped symbols
class Uni A string of Unicode codepoints
class utf8 Mutable uint8 buffer for utf8 binary data